Company Profile

IWAKI operates solely in the field of fluid control products.
Our broad lineup of chemical pumps and other products are usually inside finished products and out of sight. However, our products are indirectly part of our daily activities as vital components of machinery that manufactures automobiles, home appliances and other products. Based on the slogan “supporting industries from our position at the forefront of progress,” we remain committed to contributing to the advancement of society and the happiness and wellbeing of people.

Basic Information

Company name IWAKI CO., LTD.
Establishment April 10, 1956
Capital 1,044,691,100 yen
Number of employees 1,124 (consolidated), 788 (non-consolidated) (as of March 31, 2024)
Head office Nissei Kandasudacho Building, 2-6-6, Kanda Suda-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Tel: +81-3-3254-2931
Fax: +81-3-5295-8573
Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members
Shigeru Fujinaka
Senior Executive Director
Hideki Uchida
Outside Director
Toshihiro Kayahara
Outside Director
Takako Tomiyasu
Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Ichiro Miyake
Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Takafumi Kojima
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Masahiro Nagasawa
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Yoshinori Hosoya
(As of June 27, 2024)
Business Development, manufacture and sale of chemical pumps and many other types of fluid control products
