Disclosure Policy

1. Disclosure standards

IWAKI promptly discloses information to shareholders and other stakeholders based on the principles of transparency, fairness and continuity and in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other laws and regulations and the timely disclosure rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In addition, in accordance with the fair disclosure rules, IWAKI does not provide information selectively to particular individuals and has other measures for the fair disclosure of information. As much as possible, IWAKI also discloses information that is not covered by laws and regulations and the timely disclosure rules if the information is believed to be important or effective for increasing the public’s understanding of IWAKI.

2. Information disclosure methods

Information subject to the timely disclosure rules are announced by using the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange pursuant to these rules. After information is disclosed on TDnet, the information is also promptly posted on the IWAKI website. In addition, IWAKI posts information on its website that is not covered by the timely disclosure rules if the information is believed to be important or useful.

3. Forecasts and other information about the future

Forecasts for results of operations, outlooks, plans and other information about the future are based on plans, expectations and decisions that use information currently available and assumptions believed to be reasonable. Consequently, actual results of operations and other aspects of IWAKI’s performance may differ from these forecasts and other statements because of uncertainties involving the economy and other factors.

4. Prohibition of insider trading

IWAKI has established rules for the prevention of insider trading and implements preventive measures in accordance with these rules. There are training programs about insider trading restrictions for executives and employees that raise the awareness and understanding of these restrictions.

5. Quiet period

To prevent leaks of information about quarterly and fiscal year results of operations and ensure the fairness of the disclosure of this information, IWAKI has a quiet period that begins on the day after the end of the applicable fiscal period and ends on the announcement date. During this period, IWAKI will not answer questions or make comments about results of operations in the applicable fiscal period or the outlook. However, if a reason to expect a significant change in a forecast emerges during the quiet period, an appropriate announcement will be made in accordance with the timely disclosure rules.

6. Disclosure of information to third parties and forecasts of third parties

IWAKI will make statements to institutional investors, analysts and others concerning only information that has been made public, such as facts that have been announced, facts that are general knowledge, general information about the business climate. IWAKI does not support in any way forecasts and other remarks by third parties regarding results of operations.