Business Strategies

  • IWAKI established the IWAKI Group 10-year Vision with the goals of making the IWAKI Group the global leader in its industry and increasing net sales to 40 billion yen in the fiscal year ending in March 2025.
  • Activities for achieving the IWAKI Group 10-year Vision are divided into three phases of three years: planting seeds, business development and growth, and reaping benefits

Overview of the IWAKI Group 10-Year Vision

Numerical targets (Excerpt from the second quarter FY3/25 financial results presentation materials, released on November 14, 2024)

The goals for the fiscal year ending in March 2025
are sales of¥40 billion(¥20 billion each in Japan and overseas)and an operating margin of10%

IWAKI established the IWAKI Group 10-year Vision with the goals of making the IWAKI Group the global leader in its industry and increasing net sales to 40 billion yen in the fiscal year ending in March 2025.

Qualitative targets

To supply the world’s best products as All IWAKI
-We will work together to supply the world’s best products, quality, value, and services-

“Change & Challenge” is our stance for accomplishing this goal
-We will firmly establish a corporate culture of never being afraid of change and new challenges-

Established key themes for the reaping benefits phase along with key themes for the business development and growth phase with the goal of building a powerful base for accomplishing the 10-year vision numerical targets

Key themes for continuing progress from the business development and growth phase

Key goals of the reaping benefits phase

The Next Long-term Vision

The next long-term vision centered on the theme of sustainability

Based on our company pledge, "Our mission is to always be at the forefront of efforts to advance development in the global markets, industries and communities where we operate while building trust with, and contributing to the happiness of everyone we interact with, " we have provided value to society by continuing to supply a wide range of chemical pumps and fluid control equipment to the industrial sector. In order to adapt to the rapidly changing times ahead, we will plan a next vision that takes into account the perspective of sustainability. Our planning schedule is as follows.

次期長期ビジョン 2026年3月期~