Guided by the mission of remaining at the forefront of progress in
order to contribute to a broad range of progress and to the happiness
and wellbeing of people worldwide, IWAKI has been a source of value
for society by supplying chemical pumps and fluid control products
used in many industries.
As the business climate for companies changes dramatically, there is
an increasing need for solutions to social issues in order to achieve
both a sustainable society and the sustainable growth of corporate
value. IWAKI has established a Sustainability Committee in order to
incorporate the perspective of sustainability in the management of
business operations.
The Sustainability Committee is responsible for establishing a basic
policy for sustainability, identifying materiality, checking the
progress of activities targeting various issues, discussing activities
and other matters, and submitting suggestions and reports to the Board
of Directors.
Under the oversight of this committee, project teams are established
that consist of people from all sections of IWAKI, there are
activities for making sustainability initiatives more effective, and
company-wide initiatives are implemented.
The Sustainability Committee is chaired by the company president and includes senior executive director, outside directors and individuals involved with sustainability activities and with knowledge in this field. The committee also includes prominent individuals from outside IWAKI as required.